The Team

By Dr Jeremy Baker, Clinical Director

I am delighted with the team that we have developed at HeartSpace. Two years into operation, and we have
established a tight group that includes specialist nurses, a psychiatrist and GP, and community trainers.

We believe that we have developed something that can support the difficult issues that Covid-19 has put in front of us! We have been encouraged by the collaborations we have developed, with both secular mental health partners and religious groups.

Our programme has been developed according to clinical best practice in community and primary mental health care. It includes important elements of empathy, compassion, emotional resonance and spirituality.  
The overall mental health needs in New Zealand are growing, and not merely because of Covid-19. It is on account of longstanding community and historical issues, economic and financial stress, poverty, inequity, global warming, youth issues, suicide ideation, and overall growing anxiety and depression.

HeartSpace wants to see expanded knowledge and wisdom within mental health as it works alongside faith communities and others who seek to address these types of issues.

The journey so far…

We have now run four courses of HeartSpace Part One, which is the starting point for the Mental Health Coach training programme. These have included nearly 100 students. We also completed our first HeartSpace Part Two programme with 25 students in November 2021. This was designed to deepen the mental health knowledge and practical skills of the Part One course. We advise our students that this will set them on the path towards considering a counselling degree with either Vision or Laidlaw College.


We have been especially grateful to the Chinese congregations in Christchurch who have made a
substantial contribution to our course numbers. We especially thank Pastor Allen Hou who has been
a driving force for Chinese participation, and to psychiatrist Dr Jason Chang (pictured right) who
has joined our teaching team.

We are also immensely grateful for Natalie Frauenstein who has been with us from the start.
Natalie has been a key player in the design and delivery of the HeartSpace programmes.

We welcome Sharon Yule into her new role as administrator, and say goodbye to Sara Kakoi. Sara is deeply
loved by us all and will be greatly missed. However, we are delighted and grateful for the new skills and
enthusiasm that Sharon brings to us.

Our most recent HeartSpace was held in Nelson. This was supported by the Anglican Diocese. We ran a block-course over two weekends in November, and received good feedback from our participants. We look forward to our future relationship with them. We have also had enquires from Hamilton and Tauranga. Let’s see what happens in 2022!

A word from the Course Coordinator

Craig Lynch

Being a part of HeartSpace since October 2019 has been a tremendous blessing. From sitting around a table
chatting in June 2019 about the possibilities of running courses that would help train and educate mental health
coaches, to where we are today is amazing. Over the last 18 months we have watched folks turn up, engage with the
teaching, and go out into the community to support and help those struggling with mental health issues.

Here’s a ‘wee’ story of one of our students
During the role play practicals that we do during the sessions, one of the students said how he felt God ministering to him as he explored the questions. Several weeks into the next course, he contacted me to say that a colleague from work shared with him about his mental health difficulties. The student/coach phoned me for advice. Well, since that time, the student/coach has become the person to go to for support in his workplace. So much so, that the company has asked him to support all the office staff with their mental health concerns. This is an acknowledgement that the HeartSpace course indeed helps our students/coaches with the skills and confidence to reach out and help folks when needed.

Special thanks to our funders

HeartSpace has been blessed by many generous donations. Our intention is to bless our students with the financial support that they need to attend our programmes.  We know there are many in the community who are passionate to serve others, therefore much of our funding is to support those who might otherwise miss out.

Kings Church

The Wilberforce Foundation

The Rata Foundation

The Methodist Church of NZ

The David Ellison Trust

The Christchurch Chinese Church

Thank you!

How can you support us?

Visit our website here for further information about our vision, and our HeartSpace and HeadSpace courses.

Please consider a gift. Donations can be made online here or at our Give-a-little page, here. Your gift will support student fees and the cost of our workbooks.

Get in touch if you want to be part of what we do, or just to have a chat!


Why so much anxiety and depression?

The push and shove of pandemics, vaccine roll-outs, and government mandates is unsettling. Even when things seem vaguely to be going on as normal, somewhere in our bellies and in our limbic systems, there is recognition of a loss of certainty and control over our lives.

Read More

Deacon Trust, PO Box 41055, Ferrymead, New Zealand

Dr Jason Chang